Repair Plan Tab Screen

Use this screen to manage repair plan milestone dates. Select the Click here to create a repair plan link if a repair plan has not been created.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Schedule pane Options in this pane allow you to manage milestone date and times.
Vehicle In (original) Enter the date and time the vehicle arrived. This value is taken from the New Repair Plan screen. If the repair plan has been previously saved, these fields cannot be edited.
Vehicle In (revised) Enter the revised arrival date in this field. This option is displayed when the Vehicle In date is changed. This option appears when the repair plan has been recalculated.
Repairs Started (original) Enter the date and time the repairs started. This value is taken from the New Repair Plan screen.
Repairs Started (revised) Enter the revised start date in this field. This option appears when the repair plan has been recalculated.
Repairs Completed (original) Enter the date when the repairs were completed. This value is based upon the amount of hours in the repair plan. Changes made in the repair plan will update the projected complete date. This field cannot be edited directly.
Repairs Completed (revised) Enter the revised completed date. This option appears when the repair plan has been recalculated.
Vehicle Out (original) Enter the vehicle out date and time.
Vehicle Out (revised) Enter the revised vehicle out date. This option appears when the repair plan has been recalculated.

This option appears for each milestone date. When a milestone is marked complete, the corresponding date cannot be edited.

Previous Week Select this option to view the preceding week.
Today Select this option to return to the current week grid.
Next Week Select this option to advance to the next week grid.
(date grid) This panel allows you to move the start and end sliders for each repair phase. Any changes in this grid also update the date values in the fields above. Sliders that appear in red indicate the repair phase start date has passed. A green bar indicates the repair phase has been marked complete.
(red ?) This icon appears in the date grid when a vehicle out date has note been selected.

Description of fields in the Phase Details pane

Field Label Description
Add Phase Use this option to add a repair phase. This option opens the Add Phase screen. This option is disabled when the Repair Completed option is marked Complete.
Remove Phase This option removes the selected repair phase. This option is disabled when the Repair Completed option is marked Complete.
Complete This option is disabled when the Repair Completed option is marked Complete.
Incomplete Use this option to mark the selected repair phase incomplete.
Recalculate Use this option when the repair plan has been changed.

Repair Phase

The description of the repair phase appears in this column. This field cannot be edited.
RO Hours This value is the total labor hours in the repair order. This field cannot be edited.
Burn Rate  
Start This value displays the repair phase start date and time.
Finish This value displays the completed date and time for the selected repair phase.
Production Hours This value is the number of hours for each repair phase.
Duration Days This value is the number of hours factored a day's value for each repair phase.
Comments Enter notes and comments in this field.
(blue up and down arrow buttons) These two options allow you to move the selected repair phase in the grid.


Workfile - Repair Plan Tab

See Also

Creating a Repair Plan in a Repair Order

Adding a Repair Phase







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